
I have created this BLOG for all of us that belong to you, mom, so we can write our thoughts, post photos, videos, etc. The reason why I guess is so that we can be closer to one-another since we all live so far apart. Now the only way this will work is if ALL of you are willing to participate by writing a short note or posting a photo now and then...Let's see how much fun we can really have...!!!

A few Pictures...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 at Mignons!

What a blast we had! Here's a few photos from the day. Click on each photo to blow them up for a closer look. I think everybody had a really good time...didn't you? Next one is in 2009. (Unless we all decide on a family reunion in Nauvoo!) Make your plans now!!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Holy Smokes..where did all of those kids come from??? HE HE! NICE TO SEE SOMETHING NEW IS POSTED!! It's about time!!!!!!!!!