
I have created this BLOG for all of us that belong to you, mom, so we can write our thoughts, post photos, videos, etc. The reason why I guess is so that we can be closer to one-another since we all live so far apart. Now the only way this will work is if ALL of you are willing to participate by writing a short note or posting a photo now and then...Let's see how much fun we can really have...!!!

A few Pictures...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grandma Ross Update

Sorry for the delay in letting you all know about Grandma Ross, but it has been a week and a half. First of all
I would like to thank all those who took time out of their busy schedule to send grandma cards a week ago. I will try to
cover those who had them two weeks ago and then try to remember all the others since them on the next up date. The
ones from about a week and a half ago were: Karl Kraync, Brent and Linda with picture and card, Jackie and Jim, Jeri Lynn and family,
Susan Brock, Tom and Vera with picture of their granddaughter in military uniform thank you so much for your cards.

Know the up date. As most of you already know that Grandma took a terrible fall on Tuesday, September 16th at around 6 AM. She was transported to the Castle View Hospital in Price, Utah. Kathy Murray and Dena Cline was there waiting for the ambulance to give their love and support. She under went surgery that same evening. She had to have the ball in her hip replaced. Leon stayed and watch after grandma the first night with such deep concern and protection which activated the nurses when taking their sweet time. She was under severe pain and really had a hard time. She had someone with her almost every single minute from that time forward. The night of her surgery Justin and Jody,Leon, Candy, Courtney and Mike, Tre, Tiana, and Canicia spent hours with and waiting for grandma to get out of surgery. She was scheduled for surgery at 5 PM, but they didn't go in until 8:30. Dan and Shaunee Harrison came to check on her thinking that she was out of surgery and we deeply appreciate their concern. Kim and Mautrice and Jackie and Jeri Lynn were on the phone checking with us on what was going on as well about every half hour. Grandma arrived back in room around 11:30 PM. She had a very difficult time for the next several days. Jon Kent and his son in law came on the evening of September 17th and spend a couple of hours with her. He and his son in law came back for two hours the next morning as well. Many local friends dropped in with goodies to keep food in the room. Dena, Kathy and Laurie were the care givers of the care giver and deepest appreciation to them. Leon brought in a beautiful tea pot floral arrangement and Candy and the children brought in a sunflower bouquet. Sandra Mcmanus from Vocation Rehab brought by a fall arrangement. Tom, Vera and Meliss came and spent hours of dedicated time with mom and she reacted so lovingly to Tommy's voice. Candy dropped in and spent a few minutes with grandma before she had to head back to G.R. to work. Damien also came by that evening. Jody watch after grandma the evening of the 18th and grandma responded to her loving care. On September 19th word was received that the doctor was going to send grandma back to Emery County Nursing home where she would feel more comfortable. We loaded her onto the transport van about two that afternoon. Saturday evening found her coloring better and her relaxing more, but last night she was confused and struggling again. Please remember her in your thoughts and prayers. If I have forgotten anyone please excuse my memory. Bryan called on the 17th and spent a time wanting to know all about his grandma. Brett has called to inquire about her and has plans of taking his family to see her. There have been many phone calls in regard to grandma, so please know that we deeply appreciate all who have called and all those who have shown such love and concern. I hope to have more pleasant news in the next few days, but until then pray for grandma. One last thing when the care center found out that grandma was coming back they gave her a bigger room and had the aides move all her stuffed animals, pictures and all her cards and had her room set up when she arrived. They really wanted her to feel more at home and hanging the cards was no small task. If you call the center to inquire on grandma don't forget to thank them for their love and devotion to her. d.a.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Nick got his mission call to Washington Kennewick Mission, leaving December 17th. He opened up his call last night after church.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Grandma Ross Update

Grandma is still cute as ever she was in a very good mood on Sunday. The wind was blowing but we went out for a few minutes to enjoy the flowers, trees and birds before the weather changes for the worst. She gave me the sign that she was feeling a little chill so we headed back in. We hung her cards which were in numbers this week with the following wonderful people who sent them: Erma and Frankie Coomer, Earline Nelson, Brett Ross Family, and Meliss. She sure is proud of these special messages each week. She again told the lady at her dinner table to behave or else so she runs the turf at her table. She was having a hard time hearing me so I had the nurse check her ears and come to find out that the wax had built up terribly bad so I assisted while they helped reduce the stress. She wasn't liking it, but she tolerated the process and was glad afterwards because she could hear better. The nurse was wanting the doctor to see her at his clinic and finish the job, but he instructed her to just continue treatment, so I will check on her this next weekend to make sure that was done.
Keep on with the lovely cards.

Dorothy E. Ross
% Emery County Nursing Care and Rehab Center
P.O. Box 936
Ferron, Utah 84523

Have a wonderful week. d.a.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Good Life

Yesterday we walked up the hill to attend the first annual "Sky Spectactular" here in Spanish Fork. It was also the official inaugeration of 9 wind turbines located in the mouth of the canyon to Price. They are quite something to behold. Huge, peaceful, quietly generating enough power for 6500-19000 homes.

It was a lot of fun, I wished you all could be there. Austin and Jenny and their kids were there. The view from up there is quite nice and they've done a lot of work on the area-- added a kid playground, grass all over the place, nature trails, etc.

I guess the reason I'm writing about it in this blog is for a fleeting moment, it felt good to be part of something so beautiful. Everyone was happy and cheerful. The weather was perfect. The colorful kites and windmills brightened things up. They had just finished a lot of the areas-- the playground, etc. It looked so nice. For a few moments it reminded me of what heaven could be like. Because of the view-- you could see all of Utah valley, you kind of had the perspective of heaven.

Another time like this, I remember recently was our last visit to Arizona. I think there are pictures of it on this blog. I have the same feelings-- we were around family and enjoying our time together. I think it is so important to keep those feelings alive and healthy.

Love ya.