
I have created this BLOG for all of us that belong to you, mom, so we can write our thoughts, post photos, videos, etc. The reason why I guess is so that we can be closer to one-another since we all live so far apart. Now the only way this will work is if ALL of you are willing to participate by writing a short note or posting a photo now and then...Let's see how much fun we can really have...!!!

A few Pictures...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oct. 21, 2008 Grandma Ross

Went over and spent a few hours with mom. They have moved her to a different table due to the fact that she isn't eating very well. The table that she is at now has CNA's that encourage the ladies and gentlemen to eat and some times feed them. Mom still likes to do it herself, but yesterday she didn't mind if I feed her. She ate
all of her pickled apple and almost all of her pickled beets. A little pudding was a surprise because she usually likes her sweets.

She seemed to be in a pretty pleasant mood and was alert to all that was going on around her. She received four cards while she was setting at the table. Jeri Lynn, Pat and her daughter Amy, Karen, and Bryan, Becky and Family. She had to read each and every one and sure enjoyed showing them off. She stuck them down in her wheel chair and wasn't about to let me take them back to her room. Thank you all for making a big smile come on her face it is such a cute smile with one tooth. Keep the cards coming!

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