
I have created this BLOG for all of us that belong to you, mom, so we can write our thoughts, post photos, videos, etc. The reason why I guess is so that we can be closer to one-another since we all live so far apart. Now the only way this will work is if ALL of you are willing to participate by writing a short note or posting a photo now and then...Let's see how much fun we can really have...!!!

A few Pictures...

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bert & Mignon Johnson Family

Here's some recent photos of our family...


Austin said...

Rough lookin bunch... especially the first picture and the last picture. Good idea Mignon. I'll see if I can't post a couple of pics and start some rousing posts, such as, "The day Mom lost her special ring", or, "Mother's Day- Mignon's Children, and the Card".

It'll be fun.

lynny said...

This is a neat idea! This will be good for mom to check in on to listen to some old funny stories like Austin was talking about. I will try to put some pictures on if I can figure out how to do it. LOL to All of you..............

Teresa said...

This is a great idea....yes, all of you "Jackie's Kids" post pictures....we would love to see more of you all!

Bruce said...

I thought I had more hair than that? ha ha .... I will see if I can figure out how to put some pictures on the blog..